Record list to XML
This method allows you to convert a record list into structured XML. You can add aliases to nodes through the AttributesConfig structure, as well as specifying a Namespace. Finally, you can force a wrapping node to the resulting output in order to have valid XML.
Implementation steps
Create a Record list type variable
Create a new variable of Record List type, that should be transformed into XML. Each Record attribute, represents a XML attribute. For more info, check the FAQ here.
Fill the created Record List type variable
Fill the variable with the corresponding values to put in each XML attribute. You can assign values using Assign node in a flow, or using a Form.
Use RecordListToXml action
Drag-and-drop the RecordListToXml action to transform a filled variable to XML text.

Fill RecordListToXml parameters
Fill RecordListToXml parameters to configure the XML export. Parameters are separated in 4 main parts:
Use output XML value
The output value, is a text value that corresponds to the exported XML document.
Try yourself
Record List configuration
XML document configuration
Add declaration
Exclude if NULL
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